OpenOffice/Gnome file dialogs

Josué Alcalde González josuealcalde at
Fri Sep 30 17:33:50 CDT 2005

Kent Nyberg escribió:

>Sorry. As always im the one to blame. I missed that you actually wrote
>about an "Install fonts" as the theme-manager handles it. I got the
>impression that you missed that there was a way to install fonts without
>going to ~/.fonts/ via the filebrowser..
>My bad and my apologies.
Perhaps, a "Manage fonts" could be an option in System->Preferences.
If you want to install a new font, you have the file.
A good solution could be improve gnome-font-viewer and add some buttons
to install it as user or as superuser.
User doble-click the font file, read the copyright, show the preview and
decide to install it.

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