Default fonts in Firefox

Ante Karamatic ivoks at
Fri Sep 30 10:18:08 CDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-09-30 at 10:02 -0500, Ming Hua wrote:

> Given that we already have Times as an alias to sans-serif (as on a
> Debian testing box, sorry for not having Ubuntu box handy):

Yeah! This is how it should look like. Now, Times, Helvetica and Courier
alias to Nimbus fonts. This is why web pages look ugly. Not cause of
some bug in fontconfig. Webpage searches for some MS font, can't find it
and then searches for Helvetica. Changing sans-serif alias in fontconfig
won't do the trick, cause fontconfig has an alias that bonds Helvetica
to Nimbus. Same thing is with Times and Courier. We should just copy
that from Debian.

>     <alias>
>         <family>Times</family>
>         <accept><family>sans-serif</family></accept>
>     </alias>

Times is serif, not sans-serif.

> ?  I'm not sure that's a good idea, as it really looks like circular
> dependency.

Maybe, someone else would know that better. But, if that's wrong, we
could link it to Vera fonts, not Nimbus.

My point is that lines from 145 to 156 are cause of all the problems
with firefox not rendering pages good. We are linking these fonts with
Nimbus. I don't know why is that, but that makes firefox look ugly.

Ante Karamatic <ivoks at>
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