Default fonts in Firefox

Ming Hua minghua-list at
Fri Sep 30 11:20:26 CDT 2005

On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 05:18:08PM +0200, Ante Karamatic wrote:
> We should just copy that from Debian.

I would be very surprised if Ubuntu don't have the same lines in
/etc/fonts/fonts.conf, it's from fontconfig upstream after all.

> On Fri, 2005-09-30 at 10:02 -0500, Ming Hua wrote:
> >     <alias>
> >         <family>Times</family>
> >         <accept><family>sans-serif</family></accept>
> >     </alias>
> Times is serif, not sans-serif.

Sorry, my typo.

> > ?  I'm not sure that's a good idea, as it really looks like circular
> > dependency.
> Maybe, someone else would know that better. But, if that's wrong, we
> could link it to Vera fonts, not Nimbus.
> My point is that lines from 145 to 156 are cause of all the problems
> with firefox not rendering pages good. We are linking these fonts with
> Nimbus. I don't know why is that, but that makes firefox look ugly.

I am not arguing about the fact that these Nimbus fonts are the source
of the webpage rendering problem.  (If you read my first mail in this
thread you'll see I have the same opinion).

I am arguing that Ian Jackson's proposal for removing these alias lines
for Nimbus fonts are actually the better idea.  If you look closely, the
Nimbus lines use <alias>[Times]<accept>[Nimbus]</accept></alias>
grammar, which is different than all the other alias lines.  And we
should already have the alias from Times to serif in the
<alias>[Times]<default>[serif]</default></alias> and
<alias>[serif]<prefer>[Times]</prefer></alias> grammar.  I don't know
what the differences are, but I simply don't see what you mean by "don't
delete them, change them".


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