Fade to black in xscreensaver and Gnome

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Wed Sep 21 22:25:23 CDT 2005

> I've noticed that gk-sudo isn't fading anymore, 

I noticed this too, in today's gksudo update. I nearly meant to send a
private mai to Michael to thank him vigorously !
I hope he has the power/permission to treat the log-out dialog in the
same fashion.

> which I'm not sure if  that's a good thing

Sure it's a good thing ! :-)
It was bad in the eye-candy dept. because the fading was so slow and
choppy that it looked crap and made the Gnome look really cheap. It was
also bad in the usability/productity dept. because everytime you needed
to do admin tasks, you had to wait ages before you could type your
Thanks to Michael, both problems are now fixed ! :-)

> , personally I loved the fading.

Sure, would love to have it..... once they get it working, that is, it
must be smooth, to be good looking, and it must be very fast, so that it
doesn't get in your way when you need to access admin related programs.

Well that's how I feel about it anyway, YMMV ;-)

> But gdm still fades really cheaply, when doing a "new login" and at 
> bootup (there is a bug report for this though, "gdm loads slowly").

Yes indeed, hopefully Michael can do some magic there too !


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