Fade to black in xscreensaver and Gnome

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Wed Sep 21 00:30:31 CDT 2005

On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 22:08 -0700, Paul M Edwards wrote:
> Of course there should be software fallbacks and even the ability to
> disable entirely the effects for older machines.

Even on my modern-ish (1.5GHz CPU), I would love to be able to disable
this effect.... better no effect at all (hence fast and clean log-out),
than a mediocre one. If they can't make it look good then why did they
put them in, in a stable release of Gnome, I wonder. Same for gksudo.
Was working fine in Hoary (no choppy fade out, and fast to show up), and
now it's all over the place...what is the benefit over the previous
version ? I don't know. 

Vince, sometimes very depressed about the linux way of moving forward...
2 steps forward and... one step backward :-/

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