Fade to black in xscreensaver and Gnome

Paul M Edwards pauledwards at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 00:08:17 CDT 2005

I agree.
It's rather ridiculous that these effects look like crap on a modern
machine capable of much, much more.

What really would make all of these effects faster and smoother would
be to have XGL, glitz, luminocity and related technologies that allow
today's video accelerators to do the work.

Of course there should be software fallbacks and even the ability to
disable entirely the effects for older machines.
Paul M Edwards

On 9/20/05, Vincent Trouilliez <vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr> wrote:
> > which slows down mouse I/O (mouse lags).
> Mouse "I/O" ? He, what kind of output is your mouse capable of, I am
> curious ?! I thought it was an input device only ;-)
> Anyway, I have the same problem and find it makes Gnome look really
> cheap sadly :-/ Hopefully by the time Dapper Drake is released, we will
> have a fast and smooth going fade out and mouse. Might be cosmetic, but
> it's highly visible, so could maybe deserve a higher priority than most
> other cosmetic bugs... just MHO of course ;o)
> --
> Vince

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