FEATURE REQUEST: Unbroken screensaver.

George Barnett george at alink.co.za
Tue Sep 20 04:51:50 CDT 2005

Sami Dalouche wrote:
> Hi,
> ok I guess this is kinda becoming off topic, but just one tip..
> You can use Brightside to prevent your screensaver to run when you put your
> mouse on one of your corners... ;)

So I need to install yet another app to prevent something that really
should be configurable in the screensaver itself?

> PS: I personally like the unlocking window of gnome-screensaver

A pretty unlocking screen isn't a substitute for functionality.

George Barnett
Reality Engineer

m: (+44) 797 457 1868
e: george at alink.co.za

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive insane.

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