
Oliver Grawert ogra at
Mon Sep 19 19:38:44 CDT 2005

Am Dienstag, den 20.09.2005, 00:11 +0100 schrieb Sitsofe Wheeler:
> Someone will probably say this belongs in a bug report however I'm a
> bit skeptical about this. I believe a good bug is something like:
> "Saving a screenshot png with a jpeg extension causes eye of the
> gnome to crash." This is more of a discussion topic...
as the one who should solve it i'd really appreciate a bug report :)

note that ubuntu ships gnome-screensaver with a preselection of
screensavers for the random mode (its currently the same selection we
used in hoary and warty)

i dont oppose to disable the webwhacker screensaver and indeed a tool
loading explicit content isnt shipable, but it would be more appropriate
to put that in a bug report, since i dont tend to dig my mails everyday
for complaints of users... but have my list of assigned bugs always

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