FEATURE REQUEST: Unbroken screensaver.

Sami Dalouche skoobi at free.fr
Mon Sep 19 12:19:54 CDT 2005


ok I guess this is kinda becoming off topic, but just one tip..
You can use Brightside to prevent your screensaver to run when you put your
mouse on one of your corners... ;)

Good luck,
Sami Dalouche

PS: I personally like the unlocking window of gnome-screensaver

Quoting Dan Holmsand <holmsand at gmail.com>:

> George Barnett wrote:
> > Currently, I'm unable to configure either a timeout (ie. when the
> > screensaver starts) or the settings for each screensaver (eg. I'm stuck
> > with the defaults which when playing with pretty openGL savers sucks.)
> This is one of those annoying "me too" messages - I'm stumbling on
> gnome-screensaver as well...
> Does anyone know why gnome-screensaver was chosen instead of xscreensaver?
> xscreensaver is easy to use, unlocks *much* faster, and works with
> existing software (e.g. totem and mplayer - gnome-screensaver has the
> annoying habit of interrupting while totem and mplayer are playing.
> acpi-support also requires xscreensaver for the moment).
> gnome-screensaver, on the other hand, doesn't seem very mature, with
> most stuff only configurable thru gconf-editor.
> Sorry for the rant,
> /dan
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