
Sandis Neilands sandisn at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 08:02:23 CDT 2005


On 9/19/05, thundertoad <dlist at ubuntuforums.org> wrote:
> So does that mean that there are plans to integrate the klik system into
> ubuntu and is there support for this from the ubuntu development camp..
> this would make installing and uninstalling apps... for lack of a
> better word ... and because I like using puns... a breeze.
> so what is this situation... has anyone tried using this
> application/installation method on breezy... I would appreciate any
> input ... would like to learn more about this... I use osx at work and
> its a great way for handling software packages.
> thanks.
> Thundertoad
> --
> thundertoad
> --
> ubuntu-devel mailing list
> ubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
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I don't think it's a good idea to use software from anywhere else but ubuntu 
repositories. However for users without internet it's nice solution. 

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