John Richard Moser nigelenki at
Sun Oct 30 14:03:00 CST 2005

Hash: SHA1

This is definitely a firefox integration issue that needs fixing.  It's
just ugly.

Matthew East wrote:
> If I want to open a file with an application other than the default in
> firefox, I select "Other" then it takes me to the "Choose Helper
> Application" dialogue.
> However it doesn't give me a list of applications at all, it gives me a
> dialogue where I have to go and browse the file system and select the
> program manually from (e.g.) /usr/bin/xmms.
> This is a pretty difficult thing to do, and also more time-consuming
> that simply clicking on a list of programs, which I am pretty sure is
> what used to happen in the old days.
> Any chances of improving this for dapper? I couldn't find a bug about it
> so I opened one at #18661
> thanks, Matt

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