Jeff Bailey jbailey at
Tue Oct 18 16:43:35 CDT 2005

Le mardi 18 octobre 2005 à 15:38 -0400, John Richard Moser a écrit :
> > This is much more easily supported in Breezy.  usplash is started at the
> > top of the initramfs (from the init-top hook) and lives until we start
> > gdm.

> So in short it's possible?
I make no promises until I"m holding the code in my hand and have tested
it myself. =)  I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work.

> That's not much of a problem for me.  What I'm contemplating is a FUSE
> file system driver that gets started in the initrd, and a kernel that
> has a file system driver built-in for something stupid like cramfs or MINIX.

Ah, okay.  Jerry Haltom was looking at how to support booting from a
loopback filesystem (for embedded systems shiping a .bin blob) and he
was able to get it running.  This is hopefully just another twist on the
same thing.  I haven't played with FUSE, though, so I don't know what's

Lemme know if you run into specific problems.  If you have access to
IRC, I'm on freenode as jbailey in #ubuntu-devel.

Jeff Bailey

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