Breezy Icon Theme

Matt Galvin matt.t.galvin at
Sun Oct 2 13:56:26 CDT 2005

On 10/2/05, Vincent Trouilliez <vincent.trouilliez at> wrote:
> > My personal recommendation would be gPerfection icons
> > because it's
> > based on the current GNOME icons plus much needed improvements.
> Hmmm, just installed it, and love it. The switch to the clearlooks theme
> wasd huge step forward, but this theme takes it a step beyond IMO.
> It is very pleasing and relaxing to look at, and it the colour palette
> is very much in tune with Ubuntu's chocolate and light tan/sand colours.
> So I think it would really be a great default theme for Ubuntu, although
> I guess it's a bit late for Breezy.
> There are still a few icons that hurt my eye though, but only a very
> few, like for example the trash icon, "computer" icon, and file manager
> icon, which all look too dark, not very nice to look at, a pain for the
> eye (difficult/lengthy to decipher ie).
> So if Ubuntu tweaks just a few icons to avoid too dark icons, both for
> looks and usability sake , I think this theme would be a really really
> great move :-)
> To start with, I can now, at long last, open Nautilus in browser mode,
> and display the main tool bar, without feeling sick ! ;-)

If anyone is interested these are in the universe:

sudo apt-get install gnome-icon-theme-gperfection2

Just so you guys know its there


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