Breezy Icon Theme

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Sun Oct 2 04:25:48 CDT 2005

> My personal recommendation would be gPerfection icons
> because it's
> based on the current GNOME icons plus much needed improvements.

Hmmm, just installed it, and love it. The switch to the clearlooks theme
wasd huge step forward, but this theme takes it a step beyond IMO.
It is very pleasing and relaxing to look at, and it the colour palette
is very much in tune with Ubuntu's chocolate and light tan/sand colours.
So I think it would really be a great default theme for Ubuntu, although
I guess it's a bit late for Breezy.
There are still a few icons that hurt my eye though, but only a very
few, like for example the trash icon, "computer" icon, and file manager
icon, which all look too dark, not very nice to look at, a pain for the
eye (difficult/lengthy to decipher ie).

So if Ubuntu tweaks just a few icons to avoid too dark icons, both for
looks and usability sake , I think this theme would be a really really 
great move :-)

To start with, I can now, at long last, open Nautilus in browser mode,
and display the main tool bar, without feeling sick ! ;-)


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