Ati X700 and Breezy Resolution problem

Lakin Wecker lakin.wecker at
Sat Oct 1 20:11:09 CDT 2005

I just installed breezy using the breezy preview CD. A full installation
report fo the laptop testing team will follow, but currently I'm struggling
with a problem that I haven't been able to solve. I'm installing onto my
laptop which has an ATI x700 card. Breezy did a better job at detecting the
hardware than hoary did, but I still had to tweak a few things. I upgraded
to the latest packages available, then I installed the fglrx Xorg and Kernel
module. Rebooted to use the appopriate kernel, and loaded the fglrx kernel
module. I then ran fglrxconfig so that I could swith the primary display
back to the LCD (Which is a bug report that I'll be filing in a few
minutes). I edited the fglrxconfig to have the correct resolution
(1680x1050) specified.

But when I start gdm, it starts with only 1280x1024 resolution, completely
ignoring the stuff that I have in the xorg.conf. However, if I kill gdm, and
then just use startx, it uses the appropriate resolution. In fact I've
scoured the logs at /var/log/Xorg.0.log for any information that might let
me know what is misconfigured, but I can't find anything that let's me know
what's wrong.

The thing that surprises me the most is that the detected modes listed in
the Xorg.log are different when I start gdm as they don't include the
1680x1050 resolution, but this is included in the Xorg.log when using

These are links to copies of my Xorg logs, first the one produced by GDM
which isn't working correctly:

Second, the one produced when I run startx manually:

Should I file this as a bug or is there a known fix?

Thanks for the help in advance.

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