Corey Burger corey.burger at
Tue Nov 22 16:53:30 CST 2005

On 11/22/05, Manu Cornet <manu.cornet at> wrote:
> Hi !
> > I don't think being different just for the sake of being different is a
> > particularly worthwhile endeavor,
> Right, sorry if I made it sound that way. I simply think round icons
> would just look and feel good.
> > especially since your example breaks
> > users' UI expectations.
> Why is that ?
> > You might consider creating a mockup or two while the discussion is
> > still in progress, as UI issues are always easier to discuss when
> > there's a picture to look at.
> Sure :) I didn't make a full mockup of the session window since I'm not
> sure about what it would look like, but I did make a try at designing
> four icons :
> *These are not yet optimized for their "real size"* (they would be much
> smaller), I just believe a bigger size will make the discussion (what
> kind of icons should be done) easier for now. Shrinking them to their
> real usable size will probably need a few more adjustments.
> All right, I am willing to keep working on those until people on this
> list are satisfied (at least I hope I'll be able to do that), so don't
> hesitate to suggest other things. I made these just to let the
> discussion begin.


These are great work but I have some concerns:

1. All the icons are the same shape. Here is good exercise when making
icons. Change them to two-tone black and white and then try and use

2. They are quite shiny, almost KDE in look. I don't know how they
would work within Gnome.

Userful has a logout icon which I think is a stock Gnome one. It is a
brown door that is slightly ajar. However the feeback on this is that
people don't really know what it is. To qualify that, the icon is also
in a totally non-standard place on the panel.


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