New oregano package

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Tue May 31 01:34:54 CDT 2005

On 5/31/05, Ricardo Markiewicz <rmarkie at> wrote:
> > On 5/30/05, Ricardo Markiewicz <rmarkie at> wrote:
> > > Hello all.  I'm trying to update the Oregano's package, can anyone
> > > download[1] and review it?
> >
> > First, I noticed that you converted oregano to a native package.
> > Honestly, this confused me a bit because the version number looks
> > quite strange (oregano_0.40.4-1.tar.gz).
> 0.40.4 is upstream version. The -1 package revision. I'm not sure when I
> have to add ubuntu in the version. I read that is only for packages that
> come from debian.

I'm not entirely sure, so anyone please correct me, but I don't
remember a case where we updated a universe package to a version newer
than debian. So I think that applies here.
> > Then I noticed that you upgraded to a new upstream version. A quick
> > look told me, that debian has no newer version, but that you already
> Debian has no new version because the maintainer (a friend of mine)
> don't do his job :) .. I'm "upstream" in oregano.

Ah, this explains :)

> > filed a wishlist bug at the debian bts to upgrade to new upstream
> > version:
> > Did the debian maintainer answer you in private perhaps?
> Yes, but I don't know why the new version is available. Now are working
> to get Oregano in Sarge.

I'm sorry, but from what I read sarge really close to release (perhaps
this weekend) and the ReleaseTeam really concentrates on fixing RC
bugs. The interdiff between the two upstream versions is way to much,
so I see no way to have sarge a new upstream version. Sorry. Perhaps
this is what David is waiting for?
> > Anyway. I would strongly suggest that you leave the package as non
> > native package, i.e. with dsc, orig.tar.gz and .diff.gz, and give it
> > version number
> > 0.40.4-0ubuntu1. This way we have the possibility to update to the
> > debian package if applicable.
> Oks .. now the question :) , how can I add the 0ubuntu1 when create the
> package ?

Edit debian/changelog using the 'dch' command from devscripts package.
Make sure that you have the new orig.tar.gz around in '..'. If you
have further questions, just ask here or in #ubuntu-motu.


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