Call for testing: Preview candidate available

burner at burner at
Thu Mar 10 15:02:43 CST 2005

On Thu, 2005-03-10 at 12:56 -0800, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 10, 2005 at 02:37:56PM -0500, Michael R Head wrote:
> > I'm using the Live CD. Here're my comments
> > 
> > Overall, looks good on my AthlonXP 2000+. The boot process involved a
> > little too much interaction (certainly compared to the warty LiveCD),
> Rather than giving you US English locale and keyboard by default, it asks
> for your locale and keyboard layout.  We're considering changing it to
> behave more like the Warty live CD in this respect, but it's not clear
> whether it's more valuable to be language-friendly or less interactive.
> > but I think I get why. Hopefully some of the questions like "at what
> > resolution would you like the Xserver to  run?" will either go away or
> > be rephrased. 
> That question is only asked if we are unable to automatically determine the
> correct mode to use.  The only case where this is known to be essentially
> impossible to fix is where DDC is not supported (older monitors or KVM
> switches).

I have a Dell 2000FP connected via DVI to an Nvidia GeForce 5600, so
it's all pretty new. I attempted to respond to Daniel's email with the
my Xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log, but it was just a little too big to fit on
the mailing list. Here's the result of ddcprobe and Xorg.0.log is

ubuntu at firestorm:~$ sudo ddcprobe
vbe: VESA 3.0 detected.
vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
product: NV31 Board - p141n Chip Rev
memory: 131072kb
mode: 640x400x256
mode: 640x480x256
mode: 800x600x16
mode: 800x600x256
mode: 1024x768x16
mode: 1024x768x256
mode: 320x200x64k
mode: 320x200x16m
mode: 640x480x64k
mode: 640x480x16m
mode: 800x600x64k
mode: 800x600x16m
mode: 1024x768x64k
mode: 1024x768x16m
ubuntu at firestorm:~$

> If there is any other case where you are asked this question, it should be
> reported as a bug.
> > thanks for rebuilding my faith in the possibility of Linux on the
> > desktop,
> You're welcome. :-)
> -- 
>  - mdz
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