Call for testing: Preview candidate available

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Thu Mar 10 14:56:59 CST 2005

On Thu, Mar 10, 2005 at 02:37:56PM -0500, Michael R Head wrote:

> I'm using the Live CD. Here're my comments
> Overall, looks good on my AthlonXP 2000+. The boot process involved a
> little too much interaction (certainly compared to the warty LiveCD),

Rather than giving you US English locale and keyboard by default, it asks
for your locale and keyboard layout.  We're considering changing it to
behave more like the Warty live CD in this respect, but it's not clear
whether it's more valuable to be language-friendly or less interactive.

> but I think I get why. Hopefully some of the questions like "at what
> resolution would you like the Xserver to  run?" will either go away or
> be rephrased. 

That question is only asked if we are unable to automatically determine the
correct mode to use.  The only case where this is known to be essentially
impossible to fix is where DDC is not supported (older monitors or KVM

If there is any other case where you are asked this question, it should be
reported as a bug.

> thanks for rebuilding my faith in the possibility of Linux on the
> desktop,

You're welcome. :-)

 - mdz

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