Brezzy - Evolution problems?

John Skaller skaller at
Sun Jun 19 20:25:53 CDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 15:35 +0000, matthew nicholson wrote:
> first of all, sorry if this is a issue that has already been brought  
> up..i jsut switched over to breezy and teh only real problems i have  
> are between evolution, and vino, both of which is use contantly. but  
> forget about vino for now, lets stick to evolution:
> it starts up fine, gives me teh wizard for accounts. as soon as i  
> select a server type other than "none" it crashes. if i leave it at  
> "none" i can get to the smtp dialog and continue. at first i figured  
> this was a bug with the wizard. once it was set up i went to the  
> account dialog to add my server, but it crashed then also. it has done  
> this everytime, includeing after a reinstallation. 

I confirm this on amd64 platform.

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