
Mikael Eriksson miffe-miffe at
Thu Feb 3 07:23:39 CST 2005

Sami Haahtinen wrote:
> Mikael Eriksson <miffe-miffe <at>> writes: 
>>Any chance of getting gst-ffmpeg in ubuntu?
> I'm hoping it would hit the archives someday, until that happens, you can get
> gst-ffmpeg packages that i've built.
> apt sources lines at:

That page doesn't show anything,
but I found this in the bugzilla.

> I had a fun weekend trying to get gst-ffmpeg to build against either marillat
> version of ffmpeg or the debian version of ffmpeg. It would appear that marillat
> version is utterly broken and for some reason i couldn't get things to work with
> the debian one (even though i worked around the bugs in the packaging). It would
> be nice to get that beast to build against the debian packages so that when that
> package gets updated gst-ffmpeg would get those fixes too.

My understanding of gst-ffmpeg was that it included a snapshot of the 
ffmpeg sources.
Is this not correct?

> I know, i'm dreaming again.. 
> Sami

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