Framebuffer activation

Daniel Stone daniel at
Tue Feb 1 07:31:12 CST 2005

On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 02:21:26PM +0100, Vincenzo Ampolo wrote:
> Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > As a basis for USplash, we will need to start enabling the kernel
> > framebuffer in the initrd, if (and only if) the 'splash' option is passed on
> > the kernel command line (it is by default).
> As i know to start the framebuffer you should add "vga=792" for 1024*768
> at 24 bits per pizel framebuffer. After that you will be able to change
> settings using "struct fb_var_screeninfo" (in some cases). 

Yes, but this doesn't work for laptops for which 1024x768 is not their
native resolution (most framebuffers don't do RMX or similar, and none
at all will scale down); some video cards don't have the memory to do
1024x768x24; some monitors just won't do 1024 ... it's really not an
easy problem.  Trust me, we've all thought about it.  A lot.

Daniel, noting that our X autodetection to just get the base settings
is an incredibly complex and fragile piece of software
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