Ubuntu Business for Companies

Ivan Krstic krstic at fas.harvard.edu
Mon Dec 19 19:26:34 GMT 2005

Fabio Marzocca wrote:
> - It is needed a sort of Central Configuration System (CCS), capable
> of install and/or configure each PC on the LAN (maybe not the one in
> Boss' office...), following the Company's IT policy;

Easily mass-installing and configuring PCs on the LAN according to a
certain policy is going to be largely covered by the
cluster-installation spec:


This is approved for Dapper with medium priority. A more complex system
is unrealistic in the Dapper timeframe, but we can certainly look at it
for Dapper+1. The best way to start that effort would be for you to
write a spec on the wiki that includes all the features you would want
in such a system.

Ivan Krstic <krstic at fas.harvard.edu> | 0x147C722D

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