breezy 3 - what comes to mind

Rasmus Nes rasmusnes at
Wed Aug 24 07:14:26 CDT 2005

Very nice test-distro! It made me fall in love in Ubuntu for the first
time, no other seems to beat it!

I installed amd64 version, and it installed very nicely, but there
were some bugs after installation.

- Sometimes when finished booting, nautilus refuses to start. I am not
very 1337, so my only solution to the problem was to restart and hope
for it solve itself at the next boot, and sometimes it did.

- I couldn't get java (Sun JRE) to work with Firefox, even though I
tried to follow several guides.

- MPlayer, from the multiverse repositories crashed after 1 second
every time started it.

- Ubuntu automatic updates seemed to crash every time. It isn't such a
big deal, cause updates always went smoothly with Synaptic.

- XMMS default skin was buggy, looked ugly

- The apt-package "locales" couldn't be installed.

- The splash screen that comes with the updated kernel 12.7, didn't
seem to work as supposed.

- Why no "glx-gears"-command?

- The "inhibernate" command, didnt work, it just turned off my
computer. I dont know if it has something to do with my spoecific
hardware or not.

- It was reallly not that stable as other distroes, for example mepis
(x86). It crashed several times, especially when installing something
with apt.

I hope this could be of any help! Good luck, I cant wait to install
the stable version!

Greetings from Rasmus Nes

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