Marketing plan for Breezy?

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Sat Aug 13 13:50:30 CDT 2005

<quote who="Martin Alderson">

> For example, you say "The endstate should be that every Ubuntu user wants
> to set The Fridge as their default homepage".
> But then say "Whoa, did you see The Fridge today? That stuff is
> awesome!". While the stuff may be awesome, I can't see 'every ubuntu
> user' wanting to read about it.

It's definitely aimed at advocates and 'momentum' users.

> Another problem is the naming. Ignore me if you are planning on using a
> different name for the final version, but 'The Fridge' is not good.  It
> tells absolutely nothing about what the content of the site is.

It's designed to be an extremely weird and infectious name. "Planet GNOME"
doesn't tell you it's a blog aggregator, but man, has the idea of "Planet"
really got stuck in people's heads! :-)

[ The Fridge does actually have a reference point. When I did something cool
at school when I was a kid, it would be stuck on the fridge at home, for all
the family to see. This is a fairly broadly understood cultural concept, so
I think that the combination of jokey references to that, and the curious
name will attract attention. Lots of names sound stupid before they become a
recognised element of the culture... Even "Planet". :-) ]

> What would be FAR better is to focus the resources on making a well
> organised and work on centralising the content on that,
> instead of adding yet another site to the plethora of ubuntu-related
> websites and adding to the problem.

The Fridge is designed to bring in a whole bunch of disorganised content
under the one banner, specifically to alleviate this problem.

- Jeff

GNOME Summit: October 8th-10th    
                I get my kicks above the .sigline, sunshine.

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