UbuntuExpress status: update

Javier Carranza javier.carranza at interactors.coop
Thu Aug 11 05:55:58 CDT 2005

On jue, 2005-08-11 at 05:23 -0400, JDay wrote:
> The gui requires gtkmozembed, which apparently isn't currently on the
> livecd (and the dependency doesn't seem to be included in the package
> metadata).

	gtkmozembed is included in python2.4-gnome2-extras, a depend from
ubuntu-express which is only 1.2MB installed size. I think this is a
good option beacuse our intention is showing a Quick Guide Installation
in this mozembed which all the necessary help about the installation

> It also tried to read /etc/timezone, which wasn't found on the livecd.

	We're thinking about it would be a good solution for getting a optimal
desktop configuration to ask for timezone at the same time as language
at boot time. This would get a complete local configured desktop and it
gets ready to install.

> On the GUI:
> The link to Canonical doesn't do anything.

	We forgot to delete it. It before redirect to Canonical website, but we
thought which this help page shouldn't include any external and/or
remote link.

> You should probably number starting from one.

	That's right. We're considering it.

> The next button needs an icon.

	Yep, but style changes is the least important now, but it's welcome.

> There should probably be be some more explanation on each screen. "What
> the hell is a hostname?" (Yes, you and I know what it is, but many
> (most?) of our users wont. Maybe just incude a few lines for each item
> since there seems to be plenty of space, or include a help button,
> which can provide an explanation of each screen.

	We're planning to add a Help icon at the bottom button bar, which will
open a pop-up or a notification hint with all the help you need about
each step.

	We have changed all the interface a lot for the last days, and during
last night because we think a druid isn't the best solution. We think we
are near from the final UI right now (having changed druid to notepad

> The second screen doesn't show a back button at first. If I proceed to
> the third screen, and then back to the second, it appears.

	Mmm.. it was buggy, but we have fixed it, thanks

> The cancel button, should probably be renamed to quit and moved to the
> left side so that it isn't accidentally clicked. Also there should
> probably be a confirmation for this, especially if you're partway
> throught the installation.

	Ok, your advises are welcome :)

> The third screen is blank. It appears to be the partitioner, but I
> don't want to proceed beyond that, because I'm afraid of what it might
> do to my hard drives.

	Don't worry, at the moment this installer don't make any changes to
your HD.

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