UbuntuExpress status: update

Javier Carranza javier.carranza at interactors.coop
Thu Aug 11 06:00:51 CDT 2005

On jue, 2005-08-11 at 05:23 -0400, JDay wrote:
> The third screen is blank. It appears to be the partitioner, but I
> don't want to proceed beyond that, because I'm afraid of what it might
> do to my hard drives.

	Only a note about this. If you install our hacked version of gparted,
you'll get an embedding gparted widget into that installer window.

   \|/  interactors              | javier.carranza at interactors.coop
  \|/    |_ activando redes      | http://interactors.coop
 \|/     |_ activating networks  | http://www.eurodev.net
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