Some criticismes

Eric Feliksik milouny at
Sun Apr 10 14:45:57 CDT 2005

Sebastien Bacher wrote:
 >>No easy interface for fstab  and grub configuration
 > What is "fstab" ? That should "just work".
I'd like to note here that on my girlfriend's system, her fat32 
partition was not automatically mounted. Because I know how to edit 
fstab, I could mount it at the point I liked, with the appropriate 
options to make her userid the owner. I can imagine that's hard for a 
lot of people.

 >>may be when i want to play a mp3/divx with totem (or rhythmbox), totem
 >>must explain me that's bad, but offer me to install "mp3/divx pluggin"
 > Not easy to do due to the patents issue.
I do understand that there are patent issues with mp3, but I don't 
understand that there can't be a message "You can't play this mp3-file, 
because ...... To play it you need this-and-that package, which can be 
installed in this-and-that way."

Would that cause legal problems, because you point the user to the 
patent-encumbered software? So does the wiki, is that different?



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