Spatial mess prevention

Adam Lydick lydickaw at
Sun Apr 3 15:27:41 CDT 2005

On Sat, 2005-04-02 at 04:42 -0800, Adam Lydick wrote:


> My primary complaint about browser mode, is there doesn't seem to be an
> obvious way to enable it for the "Places" menu. While I can certainly
> drag custom .desktop files to my panel to open most of these places, it
> would certainly be preferable to take advantage of the dynamically added
> ones that gnome-volume-mounter(?) provides.


> I could certainly switch to using it, if my first complaint were
> addressed. IIRC, I could hack around it today with GnomeTweakUI, but
> that doesn't seem like the "right" fix either.

I take that back -- I discovered the "Always open in browser windows"
preference, which does exactly this.



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