Spatial mess prevention

sanjeevdas dlist at
Sun Apr 3 04:15:42 CDT 2005

Jeff Waugh Wrote: 
> <quote who="Adam Lydick">
> > Another issue: now that spatial-mode is more browser-like, you end up
> with
> > windows that jump around rather strangely. IMHO, this feels buggy,
> even if
> > it is intentional. Maybe a better solution would be to keep the same
> size
> > and position as the parent window.[/color]
> This *completely* decimates the entire point of having an interface
> based on
> spatial familiarity principles. Instead of using spatial mode at all,
> you
> should just switch to browser mode.

Haven't we already decimated the spatial familiarity principles here?
Spatial mode is useful when doing file management as opposed to file
browsing. It is neccessary to have the two windows open to drag drop
files betwen them. Now there is no way to do this since I can have only
one window.


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