catalan translation bug: how can I notify it fastly? [was Re: 1 error with my dvd (+ 1 translation "bug")]

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Fri Apr 1 04:23:26 CST 2005


Xan [2005-04-01 10:54 +0200]:
> Until yesterday, in hoary, it's a translatation bug: in gdm, when we click 
> shutdown button, it appears "shutdown" instead of "apaga l'ordinador". I 
> noted before (in previous post), but no one say nothing about it.
> Who is the translator to catalan?. Do I have to notify it directly or you will 
> notify him/her for me?. I could translate it directly, but surely official 
> translator will do that better (little details of if we say "apaga 
> l'ordinador", "apaga la computadora".... have to be discussed)
> Thanks in advance,
> Xan.

For the record, I recently discovered and fixed a bug in the language
pack creation magic which was responsible for some translation
breakage. I will upload new update packages soon.

Martin Pitt     
Ubuntu Developer
Debian Developer
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