ISDN does not work [solved]

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at
Mon Nov 8 12:56:01 CST 2004

Am Montag, den 08.11.2004, 19:34 +0100 schrieb Christoph Bier:
> (for the non-german speaking people:
> 	Speicherzugriffsfehler = Segmentation fault)
böse sache sowas ;)

> So I installed the development package of libcapi20 and then it worked:
> $ sudo apt-get install libcapi20-dev
> $ pon
> Plugin loaded.
> userpass: $Revision: 1.4 $
> Plugin loaded.
> capiplugin: $Revision: 1.35 $
> capiconn:  1.9

> I think this should be mentioned in your Howto. Thanks for your help!
in fact it seems like a problem with the package itself, i think the .so
file does belong to the libcapi20 package...but i'll mention that on the
wiki until its solved....

> A last question on this topic: how has the modem lights-applet to be
> configured to work correct (at the moment disconnection does not
> work out of the applet) and show connect time and throughput?
> 'Device: /dev/ppp' or 'Use ISDN' doesn't seem to be right.
to be honest i have no clue (i never used that, my isdn systems were
always headless with autodial), but looking at the defaults on my system
there is no /dev in front of the ppp device entry....


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