gnome menus

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Tue Dec 14 09:05:21 CST 2004

<quote who="Fabrice Rousselle">

> For example, the "applications" menu contains a "system tools" entry,
> yet, we have a "system" menu. I would have expected that entry to be
> located there.

I regard this as a semantic problem with the name, rather than an indication
that the contents should be moved. Perhaps 'utilities' or similar, but that
doesn't adequately describe it (why are 'accessories' not 'utilities').

> Similarly, the "system" menu contains the "preferences" entry that does
> not apply to the entire system but just to the user... Also, a newcomer
> could be puzzled by the difference between "preferences" and "system
> settings".

It ought to be 'Desktop Preferences' and 'System Configuration'

> Finally, the "places" menu does not contain only places but also a search
> tool and recent documents.

Yeah, known problem - see the original design mail. Also keep in mind that
we're not 100% happy with 'System'.

- Jeff

Ubuntu in Mataró, Spain: December 5th-18th
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