Increasing user base of Ubuntu desktop.

Amit amitchoudhary0523 at
Sun Mar 20 15:38:01 UTC 2022


I was thinking about how to increase the user base of Ubuntu desktop.

More and more people will use Ubuntu desktop if it (GUI, etc.) is easy to

First timers and older people should also find Ubuntu desktop easy to use
(having very short learning curve).

Microsoft Windows is there on about 90% of all (computer) systems mainly
because it is very easy to use.

Windows is not a great OS but it is so easy to use that first timers and
older people also use it without much issues.

The current default GUI of Ubuntu desktop is not very user friendly.

But, it is for certain that if we want to increase the user base of Ubuntu
desktop then we have to make it (GUI, etc.) easy to use just like Windows
or even easier than Windows.

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