Increasing user base of Ubuntu desktop.

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Sun Mar 20 16:09:43 UTC 2022

On Sun, 20 Mar 2022 21:08:01 +0530, Amit wrote:
>Microsoft Windows is there on about 90% of all (computer) systems
>mainly because it is very easy to use.


that's complete bogus for several reasons.

>Windows is not a great OS but it is so easy to use that first timers
>and older people also use it without much issues.

FBI warning, we detected illegal porn on your machine, pay 1000 bitcoin
or you'll be jailed for life.

All your data is encrypted, pay 1000 bitcoin or you'll never get back
access to your data.

>But, it is for certain that if we want to increase the user base of
>Ubuntu desktop then we have to make it (GUI, etc.) easy to use just
>like Windows or even easier than Windows.

Who {,the .?*@} is we? And when became the non-existent
user-friendliness off Windows an idol?

Actually the neighbourhood ask all the *BSD and Linux geeks for help,
when the Windows support they have payed for fails to solve the
uncountable issues they experience.

Please, folks, if you want something idiot prove to use, pay much money
for Apple hardware and software! If you are willing to read the fine
and easy to understand manual and you don't need professional grade
{,nice} software, but you also don not want to become a power user/geek,
then use a Linux distro such as an Ubuntu flavour.


“Awards are merely the badges of mediocrity.”

― Charles Ives

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