My opinion on Ubuntu cancelling Intel 80386/80386-clone processor support

Thierry Andriamirado thierry.andriamirado at
Fri Sep 9 22:06:40 UTC 2016

Le 9 septembre 2016 04:00:12 UTC+03:00, Simos Xenitellis <simos.lists at> a écrit :

>Considering that at least until 2021 we will be fine regarding 32-bit
>I think it would be good to gradually get people to switch to
>small-board computers.


>These are nowdays quite cheap, and you can get a quad-core SBC with
>2GB RAM for under 30€.

I hope prices of those hardwares will quickly drop. They are still inexistant here, and the day you'll find one, you'll buy it 200 € :(


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