PowerDNS 4.0 and Xenial

Robie Basak robie.basak at ubuntu.com
Fri Feb 5 15:10:46 UTC 2016

Hi Pieter,

Thank you for looking out for the PowerDNS packaging in Ubuntu!

I'm forwarding your question to the Ubuntu Release Team to ask their

For your second option, remember that ordinary bugfixes are absolutely
fine to land even after feature freeze, so if your subsequent alphas,
betas and final release contain only bugfixes, you don't need an
exception in Ubuntu to just bump up to those releases.

Some questions whose answers I think would help inform any decision:

When do you expect the final releases? What's your upstream support
policy (EOL dates, etc) for 3.4.8 (Authoritative Server) and 3.7.3
(Recursor), and what would they be for the new versions? And what do you
expect to land in terms of features (rather than bugfixes) in between
now and final release?

As upstream your opinion carries weight on any decision in Ubuntu too,
so what do you think would be best?


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From: Pieter Lexis <pieter.lexis at powerdns.com>
Subject: PowerDNS 4.0 and Xenial
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 15:25:18 +0100
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