
Diego Germán Gonzalez diegogermangonzalez at
Mon Dec 1 17:17:57 UTC 2014

El 01/12/14 a las 14:11, Alexander Hanff escibió:
> Who died and made you god of what people can and cannot discuss on this
> list.  Diego spotted an interesting new development which he brought to the
> attention of the list with the suggestion that it might potentially be
> useful to Ubuntu in the future - that is completely relevant and completely
> acceptable content to post - you have zero right to come down on him and
> accuse him of being off-topic just because you don't like the idea, so
> please, get off your high horse.

A distro is much more than a bit of code. Devuan uses systemD it as an 
excuse to create a more open, less bureaucratic and more friendly to the 
derivative distrio community.
Anyway Debian recently modified its decision not to mandate systemd 
after  protests within the community

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