redmine packaging

Enrico Weigelt enrico.weigelt at
Wed Jan 2 20:01:24 UTC 2013

> Would be cool if ChiliProject could be packaged too (a Redmine fork).

Well, that project seems to be much more active, so it _maybe_
could be a replacement for current redmine-core.

As we're still at 1.4.4 base and now attempting to upgrade to 2.x,
chiliproject might be an alternative candidate.

Does anybody here has some experience in redmine->chilli migration ?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards 

Enrico Weigelt 
VNC - Virtual Network Consult GmbH 
Head Of Development 

Pariser Platz 4a, D-10117 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (30) 3464615-20
Mobile: +49 (151) 27565287
Fax: +49 (30) 3464615-59

enrico.weigelt at; 

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