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Nicolas Michel be.nicolas.michel at
Thu Oct 18 09:31:56 UTC 2012

To be honnest I never gave a try to Ubuntu One, probably for bad
conservative reasons. I will try it. But I still feel that even if you're
right that pushing things into the cloud make things simpler, there are
still some flaws :
- what if we don't have access to internet and only want to share on the
- what with DLNA ? Are users needs to be technical guys to be able to use
- of course I think about the speed. To come-back on my earlier exemple in
a gaming LAN : what if I want to share some Gigs of data to others in the
same LAN? It can't be done through Ubuntu One I guess? Although technical
solutions exists to do it (and really the most simple seems to me webdav -
a pretty good solution I think but until now it's usage never really


2012/10/18 Vincent Ladeuil <vila+udd at>

> >>>>> Nicolas Michel <be.nicolas.michel at> writes:
>     > Honnestly, nobody never understood these pretty technical concepts of
>     > permissions (I mean usual end-users, not us that are talking on a
> dev linux
>     > distrib mailing-list).
> +1
> <snip/>
>     > To go further, I think "sharing" should even not be implemented into
>     > nautilus or other file browser!
> +1
>     > It should be something standalone with a shortcut in the dash,
>     > which opens a windows like the system configuration one with some
>     > icons like : - see my current shares - create a new share -
>     > connect to a share that someone gave me
> Sounds like something already implemented in ubuntu one to me ;)
> In a nutshell: people don't understand permissions and their
> fallouts. It's simpler to have home directories and their content
> private (or even encrypted) and define shares in a special place. I can
> think of only two kinds of share to be honest:
> - I have write access and nobody else,
> - I and others have write access.
> And even that is not that simple when you start wanting to access them
> off-line.
> This has been the case for decades and no OS I know of ever come close
> to a flawless solutions until we started to use the cloud for sharing at
> which point OSes and their incompatible permission schemes became
> irrelevant.
>        Vincent

Nicolas MICHEL
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