Brainstorming for UDS-P

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Sat Sep 24 02:54:35 UTC 2011

On Friday, September 23, 2011 09:57:09 PM Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Sep 23, 2011, at 08:12 PM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> >On Friday, September 23, 2011 07:55:24 PM Barry Warsaw wrote:
> >> * Python 3 only on the CDs.
> >
> >Not feasible for Kubuntu unless an upstream Python 3 port for python-dbus
> >appears (which python-qt4/pykde4 can support).
> Yep, I fully expect there will be some critical packages that we'll have to
> port ourselves, mostly because upstream won't have done them yet.  Allison
> started a list of these for UDS-O so I think we have good data to start
> from, but will likely need updating.  We can hash that out at UDS-P.

python-dbus may present a particular problem.  Last I heard, upstream was not 
planning a straight port to python3.  They were planning to use gobject 
introspection.  This is a problematic choice for supporting a cross-desktop 

Even if we were to do our own python-dbus python3 port, the relevant parts of 
python-qt4 and pykde4 would also have to be ported.

If we're serious about a python3 only desktop in "P", then I think some 
upstream coordination now is essential.  KDE 4.8 (the version we would expect 
to use for "P" for Kubuntu) dependency freeze is November 3.  There isn't a 
lot of time to coordinate this with upstream.

Scott K

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