Windows controls: new button layout

Davyd McColl davydm at
Sat May 8 06:50:20 UTC 2010

I'm just annoyed that this setting (and locking my workstation when it goes
to screensaver -- probably others too) was applied on a dist-upgrade without
any prompt. I don't want a macified interface -- it doesn't feel natural to
me, partly for the "uses Windows the rest of the time" argument (I work on
Windows, home is mainly Ubuntu except for some games where I have to
It would have been super-nice if a user's gconf settings weren't tampered
with at upgrade. I don't ever recall an upgrade changing my config in the
past. I don't know if the change came out of some system of overlays (I'm
not a gconf expert, I'll admit), but it still would have been great if the
post-install script could have asked me before just letting it be.

The competent programmer is fully aware of the limited size of his own
skull. He therefore approaches his task with full humility, and avoids
clever tricks like the plague.
- Djikstra.
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