Removal of PulseAudio from Ubuntu

Ryan Oram ryan at
Thu May 6 01:31:02 UTC 2010

On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 9:13 PM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs
<dmitrij.ledkov at> wrote:
> Generalisation..... I know plenty of people who play games and do not
> know how to edit *plain* text files.

In order to get most emulators (which at this point sadly are what
people are going to be using to play games) and native games to work
on Ubuntu, you have to remove PulseAudio, install aoss and, if the
emulator/games uses SDL, libsdl1.2debian-oss as SDL seems to have
timing problems with ALSA (especially with games made using the
Allegro library/toolkit).

It is broken to the point that the OpenSonic FAQ recommends that you
remove PulseAudio when installing.

> I don't know how to configure Linux to do that. I use the PA sliders.
> Thanks to avahi I was able to stream music to my kitchen without
> editing any textfiles.
> I would not be able to do this without PA.

Is your average user is going to be streaming audio to his kitchen?

I think Ubuntu should be focusing on getting its audio system to work
out of the box for common usage situations. Playing native games and
emulators is much more common usage situation then Bluetooth headsets
(hell I gave mine up as it was much more of a pain on any OS then a
corded/RF headset) and streaming audio to another computer.

Less common situations can be addressed by FAQs and documentation.
Chances are if a user wants to stream audio to his kitchen or use a
bluetooth headset, he will be looking online for documentation and
help anyways.

A user will not expect to have to configure his audio system to play
games. He will expect it to work by default.


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