Should Short really be username when creating a user in users-admin
Kyle Law
tuxmaster at
Sun Feb 28 00:25:06 UTC 2010
I have search for existing discussion on this list, system-tools-list
discussion upstream and looked for a bug both in launchpad and upstream.
I see no discussion on this issue.=20
When you go to create a new user in lucid using users-admin part of the
gnome-system-tools package. It asks you Short Name: In my opinion this
should be left to username like it was in all previous releases.
Shortname would not only be confusing for users but it is
Due to this is more of a String Fix bug as a beginning programmer I
would be more then happy to write a patch for this.=20
Before I do anything I wanted to inquire on the community.
Does anyone disagree with me?
Would this really be a stringfix bug or am I getting over my head?
Was this change to users-admin made upstream or downstream?
Would the sponsorship process be a good way for me to get this pushed
upstream once I develop the patch.
Kyle Law <tuxmaster at>
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