Improving taskbar (or the bottom panel)

Rene Veerman rene7705 at
Sat Feb 27 20:59:17 UTC 2010


use the PPA..

On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 9:52 PM, Tadas Naujokaitis
<tadaspaukst at> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm an Ubuntu user for several months and I want to say thank you for such a
> good and free OS!
> I'm not sure if it's the right place for my suggestion, but I hope it is :)
> Ubuntu has many good things in it, but the taskbar (or the bottom panel)
> could be better. When you are working with many files and applications,
> taskbar is the one, which should be improved. I think that icon and text in
> taskbar for each opened window isn't the best solution, because it's
> difficult to work with many opened windows. Why there couldn't be only icons
> (of opened applications such as Nautilus, Writer,
> Calculator...) in the taskbar and preview of that application window (or
> some previews of grouped windows) would appear when mouse pointer is on that
> icon? Maybe it could be a user's choise to display icons and text or only
> icons in taskbar. Of course windows' previews would be a very important
> thing and you should be able to click on them to open window. Windows of the
> same application should be grouped so you could see some previews when mouse
> cursor is on that app icon.
> I hope you understood my suggestion and I'd like to see what you think about
> it and if it's possible to make (it would be ideal in 10.04).
> If you have any questions, ask me ;)
> And sorry for my English...
> Tadas
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