no more: SMB, Printer (Cups) and SSH

Michael Kappes michael at
Wed Apr 14 11:34:55 UTC 2010

hello Joao and readers,

Am 14.04.2010 11:53, schrieb Joao Pinto:
> Hello Michael, there is no interest in detailing the services which
> are failing when you have a general network problem.

sorry, but i have no more details.

> If you didn't explicitly changed anything on your network
> configuration on your client system I would suggest to file a bug
> report, 

ok, i am a littel doubtful - is this realy a bug...


thx! but, it was not my first bugreport ;)

> In my opinion your problem is more likely to result from a network 
> misconfiguration/change,

nop, i am sure - i dont change any config (over night) on my network

> please check that you have the expected
> IP/Subnet mask/Gatway on both systems.

yes, i take a second look. but, i wrote in my first post: from the
server i ping on the clinet (i have a answer) and from the server i do
apt-get update - it works also.

from the client ( i write you this answer) i have also inet & co. but,
no answers from the server.

all of them can ping the DSL router

> Anyway please note that this ML is not for general support,

yes, i know this. this ML was my first place of refuge ;)
i expected the Aw: "make a bug repord, dude" m)

> there are
> MLs for such purpose,

ok, i repead: sorry...

> check: 
> Additionally you can use
> the Ubuntu forums or if you prefer #Ubuntu on .

jep, this is great - ubuntu have many ways to find help.

however, a big thanks 4 your help


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