Report on Successful E17 installation from latest pkg-e debian repository

eye zak eye.zak.devel at
Mon May 18 17:58:03 UTC 2009


Sorry, my first post got cut off, it's on the list archive.  John
Vivirito was correct, I wanted the supporting packages.

We don't need libeet, because that's in experimental with the other
pkg-e stuff. I didn't have karmic-updates and karmic-security repos so
now i have

I am running it on Jaunty now, with karmic repos (good, but a few
bugs, integrates with gdm). I needed to add both testing and
experimental debian repos, so if we can get the testing stuff in it
will integrate well from a mirror.

According to my package manager as of now (repos: karmic, jaunty and
debian testing) I need these support packages for binary compatibility
with the debian pkg-e repo:

libgcrypt11 (>= 1.4.4-2)
libgpg-error0 (>= 1.6-1)

That's it, so we're close.  Then put all the pkg-e stuff in a mirror
(eet is in that so it's ok) and it will be simple to install and
maintain alongside a standard karmic desktop.

Isaac Gordezky

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Albin Tonnerre <lutin at> wrote:
> On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 07:21:26PM -0400, eye zak wrote :
>> Hi all,
> Hello,
>> I would like to make some requests for specific packages to be updated
>> from the debian repositories to allow for the installation of the
>> pkg-e team's e17 on the upcoming karmic release.  E17 can be
>> successfully installed beside gnome/kde in ubuntu if the following
>> packages are retrieved from the debian repositories (testing and
>> experimental):
>> If any of these could be included in the karmic release, it would be
>> trivial to add e17 support to Ubuntu.  Let me know if i can do
>> anything to help, I have some packaging experience.
> With my e17-related stuff Debian maintainer hat, I disagree here.
> Although it is becoming more and more usable/stable, I don't think it is
> suitable for upload to a stable release for the moment. Library interfaces
> change often, making it hard to backport bugfixes or provide minor updates to
> these components.
> Regards,
> --
> Albin Tonnerre
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
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> =+2K1

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