Report on Successful E17 installation from latest pkg-e debian repository

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Mon May 18 15:41:16 UTC 2009

On Monday 18 May 2009 11:28:07 am Albin Tonnerre wrote:
> On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 07:21:26PM -0400, eye zak wrote :
> > Hi all,
> Hello,
> > I would like to make some requests for specific packages to be updated
> > from the debian repositories to allow for the installation of the
> > pkg-e team's e17 on the upcoming karmic release.  E17 can be
> > successfully installed beside gnome/kde in ubuntu if the following
> > packages are retrieved from the debian repositories (testing and
> > experimental):
> > If any of these could be included in the karmic release, it would be
> > trivial to add e17 support to Ubuntu.  Let me know if i can do
> > anything to help, I have some packaging experience.
> With my e17-related stuff Debian maintainer hat, I disagree here.
> Although it is becoming more and more usable/stable, I don't think it is
> suitable for upload to a stable release for the moment. Library interfaces
> change often, making it hard to backport bugfixes or provide minor updates to
> these components.

I didn't think he was asking that e17 be added to Ubuntu's repos, just that 
Ubuntu have the dependencies so that their repo could be added as a third 
party repo.  That doesn't sound like too bad of a deal, since the user would 
still have to go out of their way to find the rest of e17.  And it didn't seem 
too unstable when I compiled it on Debian Etch 2 years ago.

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo
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