shameful censoring of mono opposition

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Wed Jun 10 00:21:13 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 09 June 2009 7:56:34 pm Mark Fink wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 12:47 PM, David
> > and working on from there. I can't think of any similarly significant
> > contributions from Mark Fink or from Paige Thompson. Why would I "respect"
> > your view more than Miguel's? "Respect" is earned around these parts by
> > doing heavy lifting, not by posting messages to mailing lists.
> not all of us can be programmers, so we contribute in other ways like
> advocating. 

There is no "can't"; there is only "won't even bother to try."  Spend as much 
time learning Python as you've spent arguing here and insulting us all, and 
you'd be pretty far along by now.

> people like me and Roy Schestowitz and others at BN are
> very important for making people aware of the truth so that M$ can't
> destroy Linux.

If Linux is to succeed, it will do so with or without Microsoft technologies.

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo
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