Why Ubuntu is not ready for prime time

Paul.McManus at met.police.uk Paul.McManus at met.police.uk
Fri Aug 28 18:16:05 UTC 2009

Awesome :-)
I didn't realise this was the case. I've got quite a few non-standard apps installed, so that's probably why I haven't noticed. Gnome Baker for example, if that were literal!.....

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Smith [mailto:paul at mad-scientist.us]
Sent: 28 August 2009 19:07
To: McManus Paul - GD
Cc: ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: RE: Why Ubuntu is not ready for prime time

On Fri, 2009-08-28 at 18:30 +0100, Paul.McManus at met.police.uk wrote: 

Quicken, Outlook, Powerpoint, they're all bizzare names.

Doesn't mean that Ubuntu can't do one better ;-)

I believe the menu system is better in Ubuntu than Windows, however all apps could do with having their function added to their name.
As like "Firefox Web Browser". We know what Firefox is, but in my office (still working on Windows 2000!) I don't think I'm the majority.

I'm not disagreeing with your statement, I just think that your wish is already largely a reality.  I took a look through my menus (9.04) and as far as I can tell ALL the standard applications have their function shown, either by itself ("Terminal") or in addition to the name ("Rhythmbox Music Player").

There are some apps I've installed from multiverse, etc. that are not standard parts of Ubuntu where this pattern is not followed (e.g., "Emacs 22") but things you've explicitly installed yourself are less critical in this respect.

If you find apps where this isn't the case I think filing a bug in Launchpad is perfectly reasonable. 

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